Leo and Giulia are back to talk about COVID-19 vaccines
The science cartoon dedicated to children and young primary school students returns with a new chapter on vaccines
11 Apr 2022
The science cartoon dedicated to children and young primary school students returns with a new chapter on vaccines
In this second chapter, the two brothers Leo and Giulia discover together how vaccines really work and what is meant by community immunity in a fun way.
The popular science project for children is promoted by UniPV and UniSR, with the support of the Italian Health Ministry and Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ .
The idea for Leo&Giulia came from Professor Anna Odone, Professor of Hygiene at the University of Pavia and member of the CORONADX project, who comments: “I consider health education to be a fundamental pillar of public health and I am convinced that turning directly to children to transmit scientific content is extremely important. In addition to recognising that children have the right to information,” continues Anna Odone, “we can provide them with the cognitive tools they need to play an active role in controlling the pandemic, to promote health within the family, and, more generally, to become informed and aware citizens.