Presenting PATHLOCK
CORONADX presents PATHLOCK, one of the rapid text for the detection of COVID-19 developed by the project
Published on
29 Oct 2021
CORONADX presents PATHLOCK, one of the rapid text for the detection of COVID-19 developed by the project
PATHLOCK will provide results in less than one hour and with minimal laboratory equipment.
It is based on an innovative genetic technology called CRISPR-Cas13, inspired by the bacteria’s defence against viruses.
How it works
An operator mixes the sample (swabs or saliva) with a solution containing the reagents and reads the result on a dipstick or a cartridge similar to those used for pregnancy tests. This requires minimal training.
The Pathlock’s accuracy is expected to be as high as or higher than the current RT-PCR golden standard. It will be suitable for second-line detection in field laboratories and mobile clinics, without the need of specialised centres.